Whether you want to admit it or not, the summer is close to closing in on us! Hopefully many of you were able to enjoy some time off and were able to keep cool. There still might be a few sunshiny and maybe even some HOT temperatures headed our way! My latest interview with Dermatologist Dr. Paraskevas discusses the importance of following a skin protecting regimen. She explains the necessity of taking good care of your skin year round, not just in the summer months.

S.B. What are the signs of sun damage? What cosmetic procedures can dermatologists perform to correct sun damaged skin?

L.P. Freckling, wrinkling, discoloration, uneven pigmentation, white spots and texture irregularities are all signs of sun damage. There are multiple procedures that dermatologists can perform to reverse signs of aging such as resurfacing procedures, micro-needling procedures, intense pulsed light procedures, Laser Genesis® procedures, serial chemical peels, and neurotoxins such as Botox®. Talk to your dermatologist to decide which procedure(s) is(are) right for you.

Test your Skin Care Knowledge
True or False Section with Dr. Paraskevas

S.B. If it is cloudy, raining or snowing I do not need to worry about applying sunscreen
L.P. False; UV rays still penetrate clouds on cloudy days.

S.B. Tanning beds are safer than Sunbathing
L.P. False; darkening of skin is a downstream event in response to DNA damage. The UV rays hit your skin, cause breaks in your DNA and as a result, your skin tries to protect its DNA by producing pigment to absorb the harmful rays. There is no such thing as a safe tan, unless you use sunless tanners that are pigments applied to stain the skin and make it appear darker.

S.B. If I am of a darker complexion I do not need to worry about sun damage
L.P. False; even those with darker complexions can get sunburned, show signs of sun damage such as discoloration and can get skin cancer. You just need a higher dose of sun to get burned than someone with lighter skin. Please note that even areas that do not see the sun, such as the soles of the feet, can still develop skin cancers, as some types of skin cancer are not as sun-dependent as others. Use SPF, seek shade and wear protective clothing. If you are concerned about not producing enough Vitamin D, take an oral supplement and remember that if you get too much sun, the reaction that makes Vitamin D goes in reverse and breaks it down instead. A supplement is a more reliable source of Vitamin D and is not carcinogenic, like UV light.

S.B. Makeup protects my face from sun damage
L.P. False; Unless it comes with SPF, regular make-up does not protect from sun damage.

Additional Information:

Many times the appearance of moles can give us clues whether or not there is potential for melanoma a skin cancer which can be lethal. Here is a link for extensive information regarding warning signs of melanoma https://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/melanoma

For a wonderful easy guide from Dr. Paraskevas to take care of skin in the summer months, please see her website: https://rosederm.com/on-skin-safety-during-the-summer-months/