
Aquagold® Microtox Facial

This facial may get you that air brushed/filtered look irl, no filter needed! The Aquagold® fine touch™ is a microneedling delivery system that delivers a personalized concoction of injection grade Fillers, Neurotox, and other nutritive ingredients to your skin. The 24 k gold microchannels are each thinner than a human hair, making treatments essentially pain-free. Patients see a beautiful, airbrushed effect after about a week and results may last 3-4 months.

Top 5 Beauty Treatments

In addition to all the other benefits, the treatment also can help with the pesky maskne that everyone is dealing with right now. Since we brought it into the office, it is slowly working its way up into Dr. Rose’s Top 5 Beauty treatments! She likes it so much she’s calling it The RoseGold microtox Facial!

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